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electric beauty bed

electric beauty bed

The electric massage beauty bed is a new concept in the beauty market. It uses a combination of high frequency and pulsed electric currents to help stimulate blood circulation and promote natural healing. This type of equipment can be controlled through an app and features various programs. One such program would be the zen mode, which will deliver a soothing massage. It also has different intensities to suit the needs of different people. For instance, if you want it more vigorous, there's a higher intensity option.

here are two basic types of beauty beds available on the market: a heated bed and a non-heated bed. Heated beds use infrared heaters that help reduce hair breakage and increase circulation in your scalp. Non-heated beds can be more cost effective but they do not offer any benefits when it comes to hair health or comfort.One of the most important aspects is appearance because your clients want an aesthetically pleasing atmosphere when they come in for their appointments.

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