Psychology case studies are vital for recognizing unwanted mental behaviours and subsequently developing effective treatments to combat them. In addition, psychologists often review previously published case studies to gather relevant data regarding a patient’s symptoms. Therefore, understandably, it is vital to develop a help with assignment in an organized manner. This might sound tough to you in the beginning. But after you consider these six tips, writing your case study will become easier.
So, follow these tips.
Ø Select a study method
When developing a psychology study paper, you can choose from two ways: the retrospective method and prospective methods. Start by considering what your study explores, what research you hope to find, and select a correct way Nike swot Analysisaccordingly.
Ø Assemble the subject’s background information
A subject’s history is the first thing included in this section of the case study. Collect relevant data regarding the subject’s age, employment status, family members, family health history, challenges in life, gender, health status, relationship status, drug history, life goals, strength, coping skills, and weaknesses and include in this law assignment helpsection.
Ø Describe the subject’s problems
This section needs to include any sensory, emotional, or physical symptoms the subject may experience to draft a proper treatment method. Therefore, any concerns, thoughts, or feelings related to the subject’s current symptoms are valuable pieces of evidence that you can document in your computer network assignment helpstudy.
Ø Establish a diagnosis
Establishing a diagnosis mainly involves using relevant and authentic information from your research to assess and choose the diagnosis method. You need to explain every step to provide facts to support your suggested diagnosis method. For example, provide the subject's symptoms to exhibit how it meets the treatment criteria for a disorder.
Ø Select a treatment approach
The next step in composing the case study is to select the correct treatment approach after you reach a diagnosis. There are primarily four diagnosis approaches that you can choose from to conclude. These approaches are:
I. Cognitive-behavioural approach
II. Psychoanalytic approach
III. Humanistic approach
IV. Pharmacological approach
Ø Write a discussion section
This is the last section in a psychology paper where you need to describe all the processes, factors, and findings of the case study. This section must also include the limitations of the study. Finally, this section will allow the reader to review all aspects of the study and determine its accuracy.
Remember this format when you have to write a next time. This format will help you reach your goal and write an excellent case study, good enough to make you stand out in your class.