Facing issues while accessingwww.mywifiext.net page? If yes, then you have visited the right place! Here you will get detailed information regarding the major issues with mywifiext.net login or mywifiext local address and the solution to resolve them in a matter of minutes. Ready? If you want to do netgear wifi extender setupwith the help of your iPhone, iPad, or MAC device, use mywifiext.localweb address. www.mywifiext.local is specially meant only for Apple devices, so it doesn’t mean that you can access mywifiext only on Safari. Users can also access mywifiext local web address on any web browser like Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Opera Mini, or any of your favorite ones.mywifiext.net login is a local web address used to access the Netgear extender setup web page. Whenever a user tries to access mywifiext local, the user redirects to the New Extender Setup web page. Once mywifiext local set up success, you can change from basic to advanced settings as per your requirements.