Tribal Teachings is a platform that offers Matses Kambo Practitioner Training in Peru. These trainings go beyond mere skill development; they empower individuals to become more authentic, evolve, and connect with their true selves. Let’s explore what makes this training unique.
The Significance of Kambo
Kambo, also known as Sapo, is a sacred medicine used by the Matsés people and other indigenous communities in the Amazon rainforest. Its traditional applications range from spiritual cleansing to healing and initiation ceremonies. Despite attempts to suppress indigenous practices, Kambo continues to be a powerful ally in personal transformation.
Training Programs
Kambo Initiation Training Program: Designed for those new to Kambo, this foundational course teaches the fundamentals of administering Kambo to clients. Participants gain theoretical knowledge and practical experience, sitting with the medicine at least ten times during the training.
Advanced Kambo Practitioner Training: For certified Kambo practitioners seeking to deepen their skills, this program delves into advanced techniques, contraindications, and energy clearing. It also includes an 8-week mentorship program for ongoing support.
Benefits of Tribal Teachings
Authentic Connection: Learn directly from the source—the Matsés Tribe—in the heart of the Peruvian Amazon.
Holistic Approach: Tribal Teachings emphasizes not only Kambo protocols but also the use of other healing plants and energy practices.
Global Community: Join monthly town halls to connect with fellow practitioners and stay updated on Kambo’s evolving landscape.
Tribal Teachings bridges ancient wisdom with modern practice, fostering a new class of Kambo healers. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced practitioner, this training offers a transformative journey into the heart of healing.