High-value, Non Slam Swing Check Valve Manufacturer in USA. Quality in Valves Underlies Fast Control of Flow in Diversified Application Areas. A non-slam swing check valve is so designed that it would not allow backflow by any piping system in order to eliminate water hammer produced by sudden reversal of flow. This valve gives trouble-free, noiseless operation and keeps the system free from shock, providing steady flow.
What is a Non Slam Swing Check Valve?
A non slam swing check valve is like a standard swing check valve but includes additional provisions for preventing water hammer. It comprises a swinging disk that allows flow in one direction, but it automatically closes off if the flow reverses. The non slam characteristic comes from its design that includes a damping mechanism meant to control the closure speed of the disc, which will prevent slamming it shut and consequently stopping pressure surges.
Under normal operating conditions, it allows the valve to open with flow moving forward which knocks the disc out of its seat. When the flow is reversed, the combined effect of gravity and pressure forces in the system acts to allow the disc to be moved to the closed position thereby preventing backflow. The non slam characteristic ensures that it closes slowly thus ruling out shock impacts or pressure surges that could damage the pipeline or appurtenance.