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Cartagena Colombia Ship repair prices, mount a ship repair (construction, outfit, chandlery, supply) project in Cartagena, get the best offer in the bay of Cartagena, what to consider when doing projects in the Bay of Cartagena, Caribbean Ship Repair, Colombia business development key player network.
Compare ship repair offers in the Caribbean.
Find best ship repair prices in the Caribbean.
We enable you to do successful business in Colombia and not to "die in the intent" ...
Our core value is, to allow you, to get a grip on markets and services, you normally could not handle easily...
What you should consider before trying to get several ship repair offers from different sources and pick "the (apparently) best one" .
A full scope ship repair project is a complicated task and you can only compare prices correctly IF you have a TENDER that breaks the works exactly down into kilo of welding, workhours, mechanic hours, staging hours, kilogram plating and similar base elements.
If you ask for a price for a repair without pining down those details exactly, the different repair offers will be based on different workhour asumptions, and different material use asumptions, only a extremly detailled TENDER can assure that everybody goes into the race from the same starting point. Only this way prices are compareable because all the offers are referring to the same thing - described in detail by the tender.
If you leave the project open to asumptions and ask for "total project prices" the lowest price will always be from the less organized guy who miscalculates the workscope and will end up with charging you "extras" to cover the initial miscalculation. There are firms that are specialized in "miscalculating on purpose" to get the job, and then start to press "additions and extras" when on board after cutting your ship open - those "stuck with the less organized. but no choice than go trough" situations tend to be expensive in the end.
As European ship manager you might be under the wrong impression that what you are dealing with is a kind of "market" where a dozend of "established firms" do offer a service of basicly "equal value" and you can have benefits from coosing the "best offer among almost equal offers". The awful truth is that in the Caribbean there is always a "poor devil" willing to go to jail for grabbing a project at a ridiculous budget knowing from the beginning that he will not comply but risking on the base that a foreign lawyer can not get a grip on him, or he always can declare bankrupt. Planning from the very beginning to let you down. Not afraid of your lawyers, grabbing the money for the lowest bid and run.
On the other side of the spectrum there is the service provider who has a lot of money, big installations, all certificates you can dream about, but he operates on the base that "any ship repair project ends with lawyer trouble" in consequence he has more lawyers on the payrol than welders and he will make you pay a lot of money for a bad service because his base job is twisting money out of a legal sistem he can handle, while you can not. He is the marine repair version of a bulley who pretends to get your ship's lunch money - at the end you will pay him just to get rid of him. And that is exactly what he pretends. He certainly will "lure you into his yard" with a great repair offer in the first place.
The question is - is that really the kind of "logistics integrator" you should or want to work with?
Your best shot is to find a resident manager you can trust, and who knows "who is who" in the industry, the metalmecanics workshops, the suppliers, that offer ship repair around the bay of Cartagena. Our Cartagena Colombia business development key player network is offering you exactly that - a safe access to markets that you normally could not get a grip on. We act as your local mentor to get in business with the Cartagena Bay Marine Cluster Network without "dying in the intent".
This is why we do publish our basic prices instead of "hiding them from the competition" - why we would do that ? - we know that anybody who has done a serious job of investigation about ship repair options and base cost in the caribbean has a similar pricelist. As we do not overprice anything we have no need to hide the pricelist. The pricelist is the logical outcome of taking the local metalmechanic prices blending them with the most efficient management possible with the lowest overhead possible and still making a DECENT profit geared to keep a streamlined and efficient firm alive.
I can say with absolut certainty that i can undercut ANY ship repair offer in the bay of cartagena 1% simply by the fact because i know all firms here i know how they work and i know that my organization is at least 1% more efficient as they are. Therefore i still can make a decent profit and living when they (with their overhead and inefficiency) can not.
The only offers i can not compete with is the miscalculation offer from the misorganized, or the dishonest offer from "on purpose miscalculator" .
If you do ship repair with us you simply have the certainty that you have the best price because you are working with the most streamlined firm which is based on the best business politics you can find in the bay of Cartagena.
Working in a 100% monkey business free ambient has its advantages in repair delay efficiency and fast return to service. See us as the logistics integrator that keeps monkey business out of your hair and lines the local metalmechanic shops, certified welder teams efficiently up to serve your ship repair needs.
For everybody who knows the Caribbean it is clear that Cartagena has more Industrial Muscle than any other site, better prices and better certified welder teams than the rest of the caribbean.
So doing your ship repair in the caribbean makes sense - just do it with the right local management.
Here is our proposal:
Cartagena is for historical reasons (the city is the central part of the spanish overseas empire) the biggest industrial concentration in the Caribbean. This means - nobody in the Caribbean can have better prices for basic industrial processes like welding, steel building, electric repair, etc. In fact colombian workers are exported to shipyards all over the caribbean to get the job done.
For this reason we undercut any offer you might have from somwhere else in the Caribbean 10%.
We then undercut any offer you might have from industrial installations in the bay of Cartagena 1-3% as we are the industrial key player network that bundles the best local key players for your repair needs. What gives us another percentage of advantage above anybody else in the bay of Cartagena.
Part of our efficiency is streamlining of the processes. So we do not asign engineering and management hours to projects that we are not contracted for. This makes "ask for a quotation" with us a bit different as you might be used to.
Instead of "asking for a quotation" just send us the number of the "Project budget" along with documentation that allows a clear judgement of the "amount of workhour and material" you expect. We will take a week to consider the project (and negociate it within the network) and then go for it or decline it.
The project budget comes out when you take the "best offer from the caribbean region" you have on your table minus 10%.
This "simplyfied quotation process" allows us to be much more efficient what comes out in a better repair price for you.
Any "request for quotation" will be answered with a reference to the "general pricelist caribbean ship repair" and a counter request for "project budget with workhour and material commitment expected".
As said we do not handle any of that lengthy "price request on uncertain base info" processes that burn engineering and office hours due to our commitment to business streamlining - we expect that you do "price requesting" with others - and when you are done with that - come back and give us a reasonable project budget and a contract.
Still convinced you found a "better option" than our Network?
Whenever you find a option that undercuts our prices and turns out to be a "serious option" we will include it into your project setup. We consider "filtering the good options from the bad ones" and making the best options available to our international customes as the CORE of our business and our reason of existence.
In our core we are a group of experienced international german expat managers who have been there and have done that in industrial project development. We live in south america we do business in south america and we are experienced in bringing in the best results in both business cultures.
We are "hands on" people who will board your ship personally to be the driving force of your repair project .
Doing business with us you will not have to deal with chains of intermediaries - you talk to your local manager (german, english, spanish) who has the capacity and knowledge to line up anything the industry in Cartagena has to offer and has proven its capability to work to European standards.
Wilfried Ellmer
Cartagena Colombia Ship Repair Project Management and Logistics integration
For ship chandlery needs we offer "supermarket service extended to your ship" we send out a shoreside team that buys items in local supermarkets and brings those items with the original supermarket price tag to your ship.
Please do not send "item price requests" the cost of items can be checked by visiting the webpage of the local supermarkets. What we will charge is merly the cost of manhours required to get the items and transport logistics cost of deliver them to your ship. (prices according pricelist above).
Sehr geehrte Kunden.
Ein Angebot auf ship supply (Supermarkt - Waren, Galley Supply) kann ich aus Logistikgruenden nicht stellen.
Wir sind selbst kein Supermarkt, haben keine eigene Lagerhaltung. Fuehren keine Preislisten.
Wenn wir Waren auf ein Schiff liefern schicken wir Leute los, kaufen im Supermarkt ein, und bringen die Waren (mit den original Kassenzetteln zu Ihrer Kontrolle) mit einem LKW auf Ihr Schiff. Fuer diesen Service verrechnen wir die Logistik und Arbeitsstunden nach unserer "Allgemeinen Mannstunden Kosten Preisliste".
Um ein "Angebot zu erstellen" muesste ich die gleichen Leute losschicken, Preise einholen und eine "virtuale Einkaufstour" veranstalten die aber reale Logistikstunden verschlingen wuerde, die nicht bezahlt werden, wenn das "Angebot"am Ende nicht in einen Auftrag muendet.
Traditionelle Ship Chandler loesen dieses Problem indem sie immer extreme Preisaufschlaege machen die diese "verbrannten Logistikstunden" der Angebotstellungen auf die verbleibenden Kunden umwaelzen.
Da wir die Kassenzettel mitliefern und unsere Preise schlicht die Cartagena Supermarktpreise am Einkaufstag sind, ist ein "Preisvoranschlagsprozess" ein nicht durchfuehrbarer Prozess. Gegenueber Konkurrenzangeboten koennen wir nur wieder Bestpreisgarantie geben, was leicht ist, weil wir ja keinerlei Aufschlaege machen und niemand im Einzehandel die lokalen Supermarktpreise unterbieten kann.
Die einzige Sorte von "Preisvoranschlag" die ich Ihnen anbieten kann, ist ein Besuch auf den Internetseiten der Supermaerkte von Cartagena wo Sie die derzeit aktuellen Preise einsehen koennen.
Wir arbeiten mit allen Supermaerkten, Sie koennen ihr Einkaufteam zu einem Markt ihrer Wahl schicken, wo Ihnen die Preis und Angebotsstruktur gefaellt, oder die Wahl der Maerkte unseren erfahrenen oertlichen Einkaeufern ueberlassen.
Im wesentlichen fokussiert unser "Chandlery Angebot" nicht ueber "Waren" und deren Kosten in Listen, sondern ueber Einkaufslogistik und den Logistik Service Dinge vor Ort zu besorgen, ohne die Funktion eines "Zwischenhaendlers und Preisgestalters" auszuueben.
Wir glauben dass "Waren Handling und Preisgestaltung" das "key play" der Supermaerkte ist, wir suchen eine intelligente Vernetzung mit diesen, nicht eine "Ueberpreisige Konkurrenz die nur Schiffskunden bedient".
In dieser neuen vernetzten Geschaeftswelt sind traditionelle "Chandlery Prozesse" wie "Preisvoranschlags Listen" nicht mehr moeglich und sinnvoll.
Wenn die Liste geschrieben ist, sind die Tagespreise am Markt schon wieder veraendert, und "Ueberpreise mit weitem Deckungsramen" werden nichtmehr von den Kunden toleriert.
Warum bezahle ich fuer eine Dose Bohnen das Doppelte wie im lokalen Supermarkt?
Das ist eine Frage die Shipchandler heutzutage oft hoeren - uneffiziente Preisvoranschlags Listen Wirtschaft und Prozesse - ist ein Teil der Antwort.
Wenn Ihnen diese neue Art Dinge zu tun gefaellt arbeiten Sie mit Uns.
Wenn Sie Preisvoranschlaege aus "internen logistik und controling Gruenden" benoetigen, entschuldigen Sie bitte, dass ich ihnen diesen Service auf diese "alte Weise" so nicht mehr liefern kann.
No tiene mucha gracia cotizar un puente sin tener planos exactos del puente (numero y tamaño de vigas etc..).
Es lo mismo con una barcaza.
Para decir su barcaza cuesta X tendria que poner un ingeniero a hacer planos y despues cotizar de acuerdo a estos planos.
No puedo dedicar cientos de horas de ingeneria a algo asi.
Solo puedo dedicar horas de ingeneria a proyectos donde estamos contratados y donde las horas de ingenieria estan pagos.
Por eso en vez de pedirme "cotizar a base de unas cortas lineas de texto" - solo digame su presupuesto de proyecto. Es un proceso mucho mas inteligente.
El numero que usted me dice me muestra si su proyecto es bien piensado y bien montado o si usted no tiene idea a donde va. Asi yo veo si vale la pena para mi ser parte de este proyecto o no.
Parte de nuesta garantia de precio mejor es el hecho que no perdemos horas y horas de ingenieria para llenar "terceras ofertas de cotizacion" para proyectos que ya son acordados con alquien mas y donde no nos van a contractar - somos efficientes en todos nuestros processos, somos selectivos en los proyectos que aceptamos.
Hacemos el trabajo de hacer los planos en coordinacion con sus requerimientos si estamos contratados para su proyecto - no "para cotizar" y despues quedar fuera.
Nuestra cotizacion es siempre la mejor por 10% . Trabajamos segun planos suministrados o segun planos propios lo que usted prefiere.
Esperamos su numero de "presupuesto de proyecto" para poder avanzar en evaluar crear y eventualmente firmar contrato, crear (o recibir) los planos y arranquar obras.
Si usted todavia esta el la fase de "pedir montones de cotizaciones de todas partes", llamenos cuando termina con esto, y esta listo para dar un presupuesto de proyecto razonable.
Para la orientacion basica - utiliza nuestra "lista de precios caribe" para tener una idea general que es un presupuesto razonable en este contexto.
Este sitio tambien da una idea de costos en general (lista de precios) y dinamica de cotizacion para este tipo de proyectos en general con una lista de precios.
Cuando usted tiene el presupuesto establecido, por favor contactenos.
El precio final depende de factores como la fecha, de la credibilidad del control, del grado de occupacion del sito de fabricacion, que son factores que no se puede saber adelantado antes de poner el proyecto en marcha con planos en mano y fechas de entrega establecidos. Ya que esto son "terminos que hay que negociar".
Si usted nos da un presupuesto razonable esta en buenas manos con nosotros. Tenemos la mejor palanca de negociacion posible ya que negociamos proyectos todo el tiempo y nadie se atrieva a "quedarnos mal".
Si insiste en un presupuesto poco razonable, y negociar usted mismo, preferimos que sera alguien mas que quede mal con el proyecto.
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I don't understand why everyone continues to use these subpar shipping providers. I live in Cartagena, and the only method to send is through Federal Express. I've shipped things from Curacao, Antigua, and the United States at least 30 times, and I've never run into any issues. They have a location in Bocagrande, close to Blockbuster Video, on San Martin. The two stunning young women that work at the counter have a solid command of English. I always send items marked "Hold for Counter Pickup." The females phone, I go to the office, sign the documents, pay the duty, if any, and that's all there is to it. Just once, bubble shooter and it was for a rather significant shipment, have I ever had to go through customs.
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