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05/07/2012 - Wilfried Ellmer, industry, logistics integration, management, projects, ...Key players from the fields of urban development and analysis, ...
31/12/2010 - IASP ein Projekt „Forschung zur Analyse und Bewertung der ... Dr. Dr. h. c. Frank Ellmer.... Transfer wurden deshalb 12 beteiligte Partner in einem Netzwerk zu- .... Graphical models of feed-dairy chains representing the main food players were made. ...... Universidad Piloto de Colombia, Bogotá, Kolumbien.
14/06/2012 - Sea-Air-Exchange water quality analysis. • Deep-sea ..... Some people assume that .... wants its surveyors to have a »top up« on certain topics. ...... 14:30 Uhr. Theresa Glockmann, Dr. Otto Heunecke und Dr. Wilfried Ellmer.
Abosamha, Majd - Fachhochschule Frankfurt Am Main...... of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag), System Analysis, Integrated Assessment and Modelling ...... Below, Johanna - Universitaet Zu Koeln, Kompenznetz Lateinamerika...... de Leeuw, Jan - International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), People Livestock ...
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