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Post Info TOPIC: Is WiFi a mechanical wave?

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Is WiFi a mechanical wave?

Now for the most important part the physics of how WiFi works! Now as we have learned from the history and what is section that WiFi is possible through radio waves. Radio waves are known as electromagnetic waves. These waves trasmit data by oscillating at different frequencies. These waves are vital in why WiFi works well."Electromagnetic waves have the same characteristic parts as mechanical waves (e.g., wavelength, amplitude, frequency, etc), but they behave very differently.

Sound waves travel in air at a speed of approximately 344 meters/second, while electromagnetic waves travel at the speed of light"(kicp.uchicago.edu) These waves move at the speed of light which make data transfer fast. The only issue is how much data can be sent. While 915Mhz is great at going long distances it is moving so slow it is not capeable of transfering large amound of data in transmissions. While the stand 2.4 Ghz is oscillating at a much greater speed it allows for more data to be transfered. The major issues with radio waves is they refelct around.

If you have questions or need any assistance troubleshooting, just visit: Orbi Wifi Setup | Belkin Setup

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