The file type, .ost, is both easily indexed and dense-that is until a major email client like Outlook ceases to be. Email server outages and account deletions can render them almost always invisible. The easier way to access the hastily converted .bak or .ost file, is conversion into the .pst format. You may do so quite discreetly without pulling all the data you want into their views through the WebbyAcad OST Converter Software tool. By using this tool, users can be certain that they will most likely have no problematic concerns through bulk conversion and the likelihood of data migration issues occurring is almost nil in this easy to use conversion tool. This tool has proved to be very helpful for both people and businesses alike. For users who would prefer to convert their OST file to PST formats in a no-cost process, manual conversion by way of Import/Export from Outlook is possible-though more professionally made software enhances the steps of this activity for efficiency considerations and ensures data integrity.